While interacting with beneficiaries of government schemes in poll-bound Gujarat, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday choked up at the plight of one of the attendees who was visually challenged. Hearing the reason for his daughter wanting to become a doctor, the PM took a long pause and appeared to be overwhelmed.
The Prime Minister asked the man, Ayub Patel, if he was providing education to his daughters. The man, who was speaking into a microphone, said that all three of his daughters were in school and two of them were even getting government scholarships. He said the eldest daughter who is in class 12 wanted to become a doctor.
When PM Modi directly asked her the reason to choose the medical profession as a career, she said, "I want to become a doctor because of the problem that my father is suffering from". While narrating his ordeal, Mr Ayub told the PM that his vision was low after an adverse reaction from some eyedrop he had taken while working in Saudi Arabia.
Getting emotional about the girl's response, the Prime Minister took a long pause, appearing to be overwhelmed with emotions, and lauded her strength.
Koo App'उत्कर्ष समारोह' कार्यक्रम के दौरान गुजरात में सरकारी योजनाओं के लाभार्थियों में से एक अयूब पटेल जी से बात करते हुए, प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी पटेल जी की बेटी के डॉक्टर बनने के सपने के बारे में सुनकर भावुक हो गए। यह प्रधानमंत्री जी की देशवासियों के प्रति संवेदनशीलता को दर्शाता है।- Nitin Gadkari (@nitin.gadkari) 12 May 2022
"Your compassion is your strength," he said.
The PM also asked how the family celebrated the festivals of Eid and Ramzan and offered to help the daughter with her medical education if he ever needed it. "You have to fulfil their dream," he told Mr Ayub, who said the girls started getting financial help for education after PM Modi's government came to power.
The Prime Minister was virtually addressing a gathering, Utkarsh Samaroh, in Gujarat's Bharuch.