Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's sisters spent some quality time together at a temple in Uttarakhand's Garhwal on Friday. PM Modi's sister Vasantiben had come with her husband to the Neelkanth Mahadev temple in Pauri Garhwal to offer prayers to Lord Shiva in the month of Sawan.
She then visited the Parvati temple in Kothari village, where she met Yogi Adityanath's sister Shashi Devi.
A video of their visit was also shared on social media platforms in which the duo were seen hugging and greeting each other, sporting smiles on their faces. After greeting each other, they proceeded toward the temple and offered prayers.
PM Modi's sister Basantiben and CM Yogi's sister Shashi meeting exemplifies the essence of simplicity, Indian culture, and tradition. It's heartening to witness their bond, transcending politics, and making us proud of these two remarkable individuals representing India's values.…
— Advocate Ajay Nanda (@ajay_mlnanda) August 4, 2023
BJP leader Ajay Nanda, sharing the video, wrote, "PM Modi's sister Basantiben and CM Yogi's sister Shashi meeting exemplifies the essence of simplicity, Indian culture, and tradition."
"It's heartening to witness their bond, transcending politics, and making us proud of these two remarkable individuals representing India's values," he added.
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