Pimpri-Chinchwad police took swift action after a video of two men performing a dangerous stunt on a moving car surfaced on WhatsApp and social media. The official Twitter account of Pimpri-Chinchwad police shared a video of two men engaging in ''stuntbaazi'' by sitting atop a moving car on on Telco Road on Thursday. The department also mentioned the ''prize'' that they gave to the duo for their reckless behaviour.
''1. On the left is a WhatsApp video we came across of two boys doing 'stuntbaazi' on Telco road. 2. On the right is the 'prize' we gave them for their adventure sports,'' the police wrote.
The men faced legal consequences after the video went viral, with cases registered against them under various sections of the IPC and Motor Vehicles Act. Additionally, the police also seized their vehicle.
''A case has been registered under section 279, 336 IPC and section 184, 119, 177 MVA... and the vehicle has been impounded. Do not assume that you are immune from any consequences of such actions. Strict action will be taken as per applicable laws to discourage such stunts in public places,'' the department further wrote.
Watch the video here:
1️⃣ ON THE LEFT is a WhatsApp Video we came across of two boys doing 'STUNTBAAZI' on Telco Road
— पिंपरी चिंचवड पोलीस - Pimpri Chinchwad Police (@PCcityPolice) February 16, 2024
2️⃣ ON THE RIGHT is the 'PRIZE' we gave them for their Adventure Sports
कलम २७९, ३३६ आयपीसी आणि कलम १८४, ११९, १७७ एमव्हीए अंतर्गत गुन्हा दाखल....आणि वाहन जप्त करण्यात आले आहे.
अशा… pic.twitter.com/oA6UaVogWR
Internet users thanked the police for taking action against the perpetrators. ''Great. Please crack down on wrong-side driving. It is also a stunt by irresponsible drivers,'' one user said.
Another commented, ''Excellent. Please also raise awareness about not standing through the sunroof. Many people (especially parents letting their kids enjoy this in moving cars) don't realise how dangerous it can be.''
A third said, ''Perfect action. Please make strict action against all types of Traffic violators. Traffic will become the richest dept and then reward those police officers who have helped earn max fine collection by following Rules.''
A fourth added, ''Appreciate the action taken. May this be a lesson to all.''
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