Several rail passengers in India have been using social media to show the dire condition of trains, which have been marred by overcrowding and ticketless passengers occupying seats. This issue is causing significant inconvenience and frustration for passengers who have paid for reservations. Recently, Gandharv Vinayak Rai, took to X to express his discontent with the condition of an AC coach on the Poorva Express train. Mr Rai posted a video showing the overcrowded coach, highlighting the area near the toilet and the passage inside the coach.
In the video, several passengers without reservations can be seen sitting on the floor and sharing seats with those who had reserved them. The passenger lamented that the AC coach resembled a general compartment, sparking concerns about the quality of service despite the higher fares for AC coaches. He also mentioned that he had filed a complaint on Rail Madad, receiving complaint number 2024121005214. Despite waiting for 45 minutes, Mr Rai claimed that he had not received any response or assistance from the Railways.
"Please see the video and see the state of train in AC reservation in train no. 12303 poorva express. Near patna. It feal like general compartment. Already complaint on rail madam no. 2024121005214..even 45min passed , no response from railway," Mr Rai wrote on X.
Here's the video:
Railway Seva responded to the video, acknowledging the passenger's concerns and assuring that they would do their best to assist.
However, Mr Rai later posted an update stating that the Railways had closed his complaint without conducting any verification.
The post quickly gained traction and comments started pouring in. Several internet users expressed their anger and frustration at the situation. One user wrote, "Main reason of problem is insufficient number of general bogies in trains besides beside 'no fear' attitude of public in certain states. Consider plight of the passengers in the video!"
Another commented, "Railways should be made access controlled like airports, only ticket holders should be allowed on the platform." A third said, "Don't expect any resolution, no matter what your concern is, they have one fix robotic response. Escalated and apology."