High drama was witnessed in Gujarat when a woman in an inebriated state created a ruckus on the streets of Vadodara on Sunday night. The woman was allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol in the early hours of Sunday when her car allegedly hit another vehicle. When confronted by police officers, she resisted arrest and got into an altercation with them.
A video of the incident that has surfaced on social media shows the woman verbally abusing and misbehaving with the cops. She was also seen hitting and attacking several male police officers as a woman cop tried hard to stop her. On multiple occasions, she was seen pushing cops and daring them to touch her. Additional female police officers were later called in order to control her. Meanwhile, several bystanders captured the incident on their mobile phones.
After the drama went on for a while, the female cops finally managed to get her into the police jeep and left.
Watch the video here:
Woman caught in drink and drive Part 2 -
by u/arxym in vadodara
A case has been filed against her for drunk driving, creating a ruckus, and obstructing a government employee from performing their duties. Several internet users identified her as a popular nail artist.
Notably, liquor is still being illegally sold and consumed in Gujarat even after alcohol has been banned in the state.
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