The CBI has filed a case against former ICICI bank chief Chanda Kochhar and her husband Deepak Kocchar in connection with a case linked to alleged conflict of interest in the sanctioning of loan. A case has also been filed against Videocon head Venugopal Dhoot. This morning, a team of CBI officials conducted raids at the Videocon headquarters in Mumbai and other cities in Maharashtra.
Chanda Kochhar quit as CEO and managing director of the ICICI Bank in October after allegations surfaced that her husband Deepak Kochhar and her family members benefited from a loan of Rs. 3,250 crore to the Videocon Group in 2012.
Videocon's Venugopal Dhoot had an investment in NuPower Renewables, a company founded by Ms Kochhar's husband.
After initially backing her, ICICI Bank announced that its board had decided to set up a "comprehensive enquiry" to investigate the charges against Ms Kochhar. As more allegations surfaced, a multi-agency probe was launched.