This Article is From Apr 07, 2009

Vigilant Orissa village demands HIV tests

Balangir: In an attempt to stop the spread of AIDS, a village in Orissa's Balangir district have demanded blood tests for everyone in an attempt to stop it from spreading.

This was done after a 32-year-old migrant labourer from the village has tested positive. What's more heartening is that even the family of the victim is supporting the village initiative.

When it comes to HIV, usually most people in India shy away from even discussing the dreaded disease. And those who suffer from it choose not to disclose their status for fear of being ostracised.
Balangir villagers want the government to conduct blood tests on each villager to find out if anyone is HIV positive.

",One HIV case has been detected and that's why all of us have got together to ensure it does not spread. We want the government to conduct a blood test camp here immediately to put all doubts at rest,", said one villager.

This victim who has now confined himself to a dark room said he migrated to Mumbai in search of jobs and it was there that he contracted the disease.

Villagers haven't stigmatised the family even after it chose to go public about his HIV positive status.

The brother of the victim said, ",My brother has paid the penalty for his mistakes. We want others to take necessary precautions and not suffer like him.",

The District Health Administration has taken note of the villagers demand.

Dr A C Nayak, Chief District Medical Officer, Balangir said, ",It may not be convenient to hold the camp there. We will go and collect their blood samples and get tests done here in the hospital.",

Every year thousands from Balangir migrate to other states for months to work as labourers.

Some carry the AIDS virus back home and infect their spouses but such cases are hardly detected.