Fugitive tycoon Vijay Mallya who is wanted in India for alleged default on Rs 9,000 crore loans for Kingfisher airlines faced hearing in a Britain court which ruled that he should be extradited to India. Vijay Mallya, 62, will have the option of moving higher courts. Vijay Mallya left India in 2016 after a consortium of banks got together to start legal proceedings to recover the loans. He has been living in a mansion near London since.
Here are the highlights from Vijay Mallya's court hearing:
Prime Minister Narendra Modi's hard stand against corruption and cronyism also puts a premium on the honest and law abiding citizens of this country, who work hard to ensure better life for their families. Welcome to the New India!
- Amit Shah (@AmitShah) December 10, 2018
Great Day for India. No one who cheats India will go scot free.
- Arun Jaitley (@arunjaitley) December 10, 2018
The Judgement of UK's Court is welcome. An offender benefited during the UPA. The NDA brings him to book.