The ongoing Maha Kumbh mela in Prayagraj has brought attention to a unique spiritual figure, 'IIT Baba' Abhey Singh. A former aerospace engineer, Mr Singh made it to the headlines during the grand religious event. Now, his father Karan Grewal, an advocate from Jhajjar, Haryana, wants him to return home. “Our family wishes Abhey to return home,” he told NDTV. “But after achieving so much, it's not easy for him to come back.”
Mr Singh has always been “extraordinary and the best” in academics, according to his father. After completing his education at IIT Bombay, Mr Singh pursued a Master's in Design and worked in New Delhi and Canada. He eventually left Canada and returned to India, spending winters in spiritual places such as Shimla, Mussoorie, and Dharamshala.
Read: "I'd Wake Up At Midnight...": 'IIT Baba' Abhey Singh Shares A Traumatic Past
“After that, he decided to become a sanyasi,” his father told NDTV. “He was always interested in spirituality."
Asked if he was in contact with his son, Mr Grewal shared, “I was in contact with him until six months ago. After that, he blocked me and all communication with me.”
He further shared, “I heard he was in Haridwar and wanted to visit him but couldn't, and now he has gone viral in the media.”
Mr Grewal wants his son to return. “Obviously, I want him to come home,” he told NDTV. “His mother asked him to come back, to take care of the family, but he replied that after becoming a sanyasi, that's no longer possible.”
Read: Meet 'IIT Baba' Abhey Singh, Aerospace Engineer Turning Heads At Maha Kumbh
About his feelings on Mr Singh's decision, Mr Grewal told NDTV, “He was always independent, so what he's decided, he has decided. Everyone has the right to live their life the way they choose, and I can't pressure him.”
Asked if he would try to convince him one last time, he responded, “I will try, but in my heart, I feel that after reaching this stage, he's unlikely to listen to us.”
Speaking to NDTV yesterday, IIT Baba Abhey Singh had explained how “domestic violence” in his childhood influenced his spiritual path. While he didn't experience it directly, he was “traumatised” by his parents' constant fights, he said. Growing up, he would study late at night to escape the chaos at home, Mr Singh said. When asked about his decision not to marry, he admitted that witnessing his parents' conflicts led him to choose a peaceful, solitary life.