A boy in Kerala narrowly escaped death not once but twice. In just a matter a few seconds, the eight-year-old escapes getting seriously hurt by a motorcycle as well as getting crushed under a bus. The video of the entire incident was captured on CCTV and a small clip is going viral on the internet. It has been viewed thousands of times on Twitter and other social media platforms. The boy escaped with a few minor bruises but his bicycle was crushed by the bus
The 15-second video shows the boy coming towards a busy road on his bicycle in high speed. He rams into a motorcycle and is thrown off the bicycle and lands on the other side of the road. Just then, a state transport bus ran over the boy's bicycle.
A white car coming right behind the bus stops and people rush towards to boy who by then has stood up and is looking at his hands and legs for injuries.
The boy's narrow escape has shocked users on social media.
“We need to teach our kids traffic rules while they ride cycle on road,” a user said on Twitter. “He is very lucky that he survived it was his mistake,” added another.
According to local media reports, the incident happened at Chorukkala near Taliparamba in Kerala's Kannur on Sunday around 4.30 pm.
A report in ETV Telangana said that the boy's family had gifted the new bicycle to him. The report further said that the by suddenly lost control and sped off onto the road.