West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee surprised the locals in Darjeeling after she started serving pani puri (called puchka in the state). A video of Ms Banerjee happily serving puchkas at a stall is going viral on social media. The locals are seen clicking photos of the Chief Minister. She is in Darjeeling the oath-taking ceremony of the newly-elected board of Gorkhaland Territorial Army (GTA).
The locals, especially children, are seen relishing the snack.
A video of her interaction with the locals has been posted by the Trinamool Congress on its Facebook page.
This is not the first time that Ms Banerjee has interacted with the locals in a unique way. In March, she surprised a momo vendor in Darjeeling by appearing at the stall and offering to help him prepare the popular snack.
A video from the spot showed the Chief Minister putting the filling in the dough for the momo and wrapping it.
Meanwhile, at the function in Darjeeling, Ms Banerjee assured the locals that the state government would extend all possible support for the development of the hills.
Mas Banerjee also announced a slew of development projects for Darjeeling, saying she was "not here to capture the hills, but to win the hearts of the people".
Darjeeling has seen several agitations over the years, with political parties promising the people a separate Gorkhaland state and implementation of the Sixth Schedule, which grants autonomy to a tribal-inhabited region.
Elections to the GTA were held in June after a decade, which was marked by a series of changes in the region's political dynamics.
The nine-month-old BGPM emerged as the largest party in the elections to the GTA, winning 27 out of 45 seats.