A policeman in Uttar Pradesh was left stunned after stopping an autorickshaw to find that the driver was carrying 27 passengers. A video of the cops counting the passengers one by one has gone viral. The incident was reported from Fatehpur in central Uttar Pradesh. The autorickshaw has a capacity of six people but at least 27 (apart from the driver), including the elderly and children, were found cramped in the vehicle when it was stopped. A passer-by recorded the video and posted it on social media.
Watch the video:
The autorickshaw was stopped near the Bindki Kotwali area of Fatehpur when the policemen on duty checked it with a speed gun, according to local media. The over-speeding vehicle was chased down by the police.
When the cops finally asked the passengers to come down, they were stunned to see more than two dozen people coming out of it, the reports said.
The autorickshaw has been seized.
Two months ago, a video of an autorickshaw with a garden on its rooftop went viral on social media. The driver who came up with the idea won massive praise on Twitter and other platforms.
Mahendra Kumar, the driver, came up with this creative idea to keep himself and his passengers cool during the scorching summer heat.
Mr Kumar managed to grow over 20 different varieties of herbs, vegetables and plants in this moving garden on the roof of his auto, according to a report in news agency AFP. He even planted crops such as lettuce, tomato and millets in the one-of-its-kind garden.
Kumar first put a mat on the roof, followed by a sack and then added soil to grow the garden. He waters the plants twice a day in order to keep them green and healthy, AFP report further said.