People across the country will be celebrating Vishwakarma Jayanti 2023 on Sunday, September 17, 2023. The day is meant to recognise the contribution made by Lord Vishwakarma, the master architect and craftsman revered by Hindus. Several establishments and factories observe the day in their own special ways. Workers gather near a photo of Lord Vishwakarma and chant prayers praising him and his work. They then distribute sweets to all the people in the factory, and guests who visit there. In this way, these workers express gratitude to Lord Vishwakarma in helping them master the skills.
Who is Lord Vishwakarma?
He is considered the world's first architect and engineer, who built many structures when the universe was in its infancy, according to several Hindu scriptures.
He is also the creator of universe's several tools, machinery and architecture. Lord Vishwakarma was also responsible for designing and building the magnificent palaces of the gods, their celestial vehicles, and the most intricate of creations in the cosmos.
Also Read | Vishwakarma Jayanti: Date, History, Significance And Puja Timing
According to the story in Hindu scriptures, Lord Vishwakarma was approached by Lord Indra, the king of the gods, with a special request. Indra wanted a palace that would outshine all others in its grandeur and splendor. He envisioned a palace so magnificent that it would become the envy of the heavens.
Lord Vishwakarma accepted the challenge and toiled tirelessly for days and nights, using his divine tools and imagination to create a palace that would indeed surpass all expectations. When he was finished, the palace stood sparkling like thousand stars, adorned with precious gems, and filled with intricate carvings that told stories of the gods.
When Lord Indra saw the palace, he was overcome with joy and gratitude. As a token of their appreciation, the gods bestowed upon Lord Vishwakarma the title of "Divine Architect of the Universe".
Lord Vishwakarma's legacy inspires artisans, craftsmen and engineers even today.
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