Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said that he was "touched" to see how the visually impaired girls from Ahmedabad's Andh Kanya Prakash Gruh performed the "garba" on a song penned by him and its spirit has been brought the dance to life.
"Touched to see this. The spirit of this garba has been brought to life by these daughters! Hope everyone's having a blessed Navratri," PM Modi said in a tweet attaching a video of the perfomance.
#WATCH Visually challenged girls performed a song which was written by PM @narendramodi
- ANI (@ANI) October 13, 2018
Garba is the traditional dance of Gujarat.
PM Modi had penned the song titled "Ghume Aeno Garbo" in Gujarati in 2012 when he was the Chief Minister of the state.
He is also known as an author and a poet. He has written several books and poetry.
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