Voting for Phase 7 of Lok Sabha Election took place in seven states and one constituency to elect representatives on 59 seats today. Voting percentage was highest in Bengal with 73.51 per cent and lowest in Bihar with 53.55 per cent people voting. The states where voting took place are Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand and Chandigarh. The voting for Phase 7 elections began at 7 am. Among the prominent candidates for Phase 7 Lok Sabha elections 2019 are Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad, BJP lawmaker and veteran actress Kirron Kher, Congress leader Shatrughan Sinha, Union Minister and SAD leader Harsimrat Kaur Badal and actor-turned-politician Sunny Deol. The Lok Sabha election result will be declared on May 23. Check the Highlights of the Phase 7 Lok Saha Polls 2019 here. A list of constituencies that will be voting today, can be checked here.
Overall voting percentage for phase 7:
#ElectionsWithNDTV | 66.39% turnout, violence again in Bengal on last voting day #VotingRound7 #LokSabhaElections2019
— NDTV (@ndtv) May 19, 2019
Voting percentage till 5 PM for Phase 7 national election:
In Bengal, 73.1 per cent people voted till 5 pm.
63.6 per cent people voted in Chandigarh till 5 pm.
In Madhya Pradesh, 69.0 per cent people voted till 5 pm.
58.8 per cent people voted in Punjab till 5 pm.
Uttar Pradesh saw voter turnout of 53.8 per cent till 5 pm.
In Bihar, 51.8 per cent people voted till 5 pm.
64.4 per cent people voted in Himachal Pradesh till 5 pm.
Jharkhand saw voter turnout of 70.4 per cent till 5 pm.
Voting percentage till 3 PM for Phase 7 national election:
In Bengal, 63.7 per cent people voted till 3 pm.
51.2 per cent people voted in Chandigarh till 3 pm.
In Madhya Pradesh, 59.4 per cent people voted till 3 pm.
48.8 per cent people voted in Chandigarh till 3 pm.
In Bihar, 46.7 per cent people voted till 3 pm.
56 per cent people voted in Himachal Pradesh till 3 pm.
Jharkhand saw voter turnout of 64.8 per cent till 3 pm.
Voting percentage till 1 pm for Phase 7 national election:
In Bengal, 49.8 per cent people voted till 1 pm.
37.5 per cent people voted in Chandigarh till 1 pm.
In Madhya Pradesh, 45.8 per cent people voted till 1 pm.
37.9 per cent people voted in Punjab till 1 pm.
Uttar Pradesh saw voter turnout of 36.4 per cent till 1 pm.
In Bihar, 32.3 per cent people voted till 1 pm.
42.4 aper cent people voted in Himachal Pradesh till 1 pm.
Jharkhand saw voter turnout of 52.9 per cent till 1 pm.
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