Over the past few days, various parts of Himachal Pradesh have seen moderate to heavy snowfall. A few days ago, Shimla received its first snowfall of the year. However, despite the harsh weather conditions, healthcare workers in the state are carrying out COVID-19 vaccinations. The PIB India uploaded a video on Koo of the state's vaccination campaign. In the minute-long inspiring video we can see healthcare workers battling the extremely cold temperatures and walking through snow with vaccine shots.
The PIB captioned the video, “Undeterred by the inconsistent and harsh weather conditions, the healthcare workers in #HimachalPradesh are carrying out the #COVID19 vaccination drive. Braving the odds, their determination reflects the country's zeal to combat the pandemic.”
Watch the video here:
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A few days ago, the state government had announced its vaccination drive for children aged 15 to 18 years after the state detected its first Omicron case a couple of weeks ago. A woman who returned from Canada tested positive. Around four lakh children in the state, born in 2007 or earlier will be eligible to take the vaccination.
Earlier, in the first week of December, Himachal Pradesh became the first state in India to vaccinate 100 percent eligible population with both doses.
A day ago, the state government had announced a five-day week for offices apart from banning social and religious gatherings from January 10 to 24. The attendance at government offices was capped at 50 percent of the total strength. This apart, the government prohibited gatherings of more than 100 people for indoor and 300 people for outdoor events.
At the time of writing the report, the number of coronavirus cases in Himachal Pradesh stood at 2,32,085, including 3,882 deaths.
According to the PIB India's COVID-19 update as of January 8, 2022, Himachal Pradesh has recorded just 1 Omicron case till now.