Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren tried his hands on Mandar, a traditional folk music instrument, on the occasion of Karam Puja in Ranchi yesterday. In a video posted on Twitter, Mr Soren can be seen playing the Mandar in front of a decorated dais, with those present at the puja venue joining in. The Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) leader played the traditional drum and also took selfies with common people.
#WATCH | Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren tries his hands on Mandar, a traditional folk musical instrument on the occasion of Karam Puja in Ranchi. (06.09) pic.twitter.com/AtvJYIINkv
— ANI (@ANI) September 7, 2022
Karam is a harvest festival celebrated in Jharkhand, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Assam, Odisha and Bihar. It is dedicated to the worship of Karam Devta, the God of power, youth and youthfulness.
Addressing people on the occasion of the nature festival, the Jharkhand Chief Minister said: "It is a matter of great happiness and pride that we are carrying forward our tradition and culture. All of us have gathered today on the occasion of Karam, the natural festival. The primitive society on earth has its own tradition and culture. In this developing era, we have a challenge to save our tradition, culture and civilisation."
"Coming out of the many challenges, today our young generation is working to advance the tradition, culture and civilisation of the tribals. For the last two years, we were not able to organise Karam festival in a grand way due to the pandemic, but now, as the situation has gradually normalised, we are once again able to organise the festival in a grand way and share love, affection and happiness."
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