The Bharat Jodo Yatra led by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi resumed its journey on Sunday from Kerala's Haripad. Several photos and videos from the yatra, which started shortly after 6:30am, surfaced on social media. While in some Mr Gandhi was seen greeting people waiting on both sides of the road, in others he was seen taking a break from the march and enjoying tea from a hotel along the route.
In one of the videos from the 11th day of the yatra, the Congress leader was also seen helping a little girl with her footwear. The video was shared on Twitter by Netta D'Souza, the Acting President of the Mahila Congress. "Simplicity and love. Both are needed to keep the country united," Ms D'Souza wrote in the caption in Hindi.
Watch the video below:
सादगी और प्रेमभाव 💕
— Netta D'Souza (@dnetta) September 18, 2022
देश को एकजुट रखने के लिये दोनों चाहिए। #BharatJodoYatra 🇮🇳
In the clip, Mr Gandhi was seen walking alongside other party workers and leaders. Moments later, he was then seen abruptly stopping and bending down to help a little girl walking beside him with her shoe.
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Since being shared, the video has accumulated thousands of views and likes. Several internet users praised Rahul Gandhi for his "great gesture".
"Leader with the humane touch," wrote one user. "Man with a real heart," said another. A third called Mr Gandhi an "absolute gem of a leader," while a fourth added, "Quite emotional moment! So pure!"
According to news agency PTI, during the march, senior leaders, including Ramesh Chennithala, K Muraleedharan, Kodikunnil Suresh, K C Venugopal and Leader of Opposition, V D Satheesan were seen walking beside Mr Gandhi in the 13km-long first leg of the march.
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Senior Congress leader Jairam Ramesh informed on Twitter that Mr Gandhi will be meeting the farmers of Kuttanad during the morning break. "Bharat & Pradesh Yatris will walk a distance of 13 kms and halt for the morning break at the Sree Kuruttu Bhagavathi Temple in Ottappana. Interaction with farmers from Kuttanad & the neighbouring district thereafter," Mr Ramesh tweeted.
Now, the yatra is scheduled to pass through Ernakulam district on September 21 and 22 and reach Thrissur on September 23. It will traverse through Palakkad on September 26 and 27, and enter Malapuram on September 28.
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