An Uttar Pradesh minister posted a video of bathing in hand pump water after staying the night at a party worker's home and stressed that there is no "VIP culture" in the government.
Industrial Development Minister Nand Gopal Gupta ‘Nandi' shared videos shot during his visit to Shahjahanpur district. In one clip, he is seen taking a bath near a hand pump. The clip is from Chak Kanhau village in Shahjahanpur district. The minister said he started the day with a cup of tea and then took a bath.
In another video on the Twitter thread, Mr Gupta is getting ready. In the accompanying post in Hindi, he wrote, “This is the difference between the Yogi government and previous governments. There is neither any distance nor any difference between the Yogi government and the common man. There is no VIP culture in this government.”
Last week, during his visit to Bareilly district, Mr Gupta stayed overnight at a citizen's home house in Bharataul village. There also, he took a bath in water drawn from a hand pump and shared a video on Koo.
Several people praised the minister for his simplicity. “Everyone loves this simplicity,” said a user.
Another person described the minister as a person filled with energy who has his ears to the ground.
During his visits, Nand Gopal Gupta 'Nandi' was inspecting the implementation of development and welfare programmes in the areas.