YouTuber Joravar Singh Kalsi and his friend Lucky Kamboj were arrested by the police in Gurugram after a video posted on social media showed them throwing currency notes on the road. The police said they were recreating the money-chasing scene from "a movie", a reference to Shahid Kapoor and KK Menon starrer web series 'Farzi'. The incident took place on the underpass of Gurugram's DLF Golf Course Road on March 2. The police have charged them with dangerous driving.
In an effort to replicate the scene from the web series, Lucky Kamboj can be seen throwing cash from a white Baleno's trunk while wearing a mask in the video as Joravar Singh Kalsi drives the car. It was probably staged to get likes on social media. The video was posted by them on their social media handles but later deleted.
After the video went viral on social media, the Gurugram Police took cognizance of the matter and registered a case under the Motor Vehicle Act for dangerous driving and endangering the lives of others. They also identified and arrested the vehicle owner as Joravar Singh Kalsi, a resident of Tilak Nagar in Delhi.
Mr Kalsi told the police that "it was just an act"and the currency notes they used were fake.
Vikas Kaushik, Additional Commissioner of Police, DLF Gurugram, told news agency ANI, "Police came to know about an incident through a video on social media where two men tried to re-create a scene from a movie by throwing currency notes from a car on Golf course road. Police filed a case under various sections of IPC. Main accused identified."
Although the sections in the FIR against the two are bailable, the police say that necessary action should be taken to teach people a lesson who don't care about the lives of others.