Taking a jibe over Bharatiya Janata Party leader Kirit Somaiya who has filed a petition in the Bombay High court against the Maharashtra government and builder-turned-Shiv Sena MLA Pratap Sarnaik over the alleged unauthorised construction of Vihang Garden in Thane and exemption of Rs 18 crores penalty to Sarnaik, Maharashtra Minister Aaditya Thackeray on Thursday said that there is a politician-builder nexus but it should be seen positively.
Speaking at the Real Estate Forum of the National Real Estate Development Council (NAREDCO), Mr Thackeray said, "There is a politician-builder nexus but it should be seen positively. We've been able to reduce stamp duty and premiums because of this nexus. Politicians and developers sell common things. We both sell hopes and dreams."
Bharatiya Janata Party leader Kirit Somaiya will file a petition in the Bombay High court on Friday against the Maharashtra government and Shiv Sena MLA Pratap Sarnaik over the alleged unauthorised construction of Vihang Garden in Thane and exemption of Rs 18 crores penalty to the builder.
"Tomorrow afternoon at 1 pm, we will file a petition at Bombay High Court against Thackeray Sarkar and Pratap Sarnaik for illegal protection to builder Pratap Sarnaik for unauthorised construction of Vihang Garden, Thane and exemption of Rs 18 crores as a penalty," tweeted Mr Somaiya on Thursday.
Mr Sarnaik's name hit the headlines earlier on March 25 this year, when the Enforcement Directorate attached his assets in connection with the National Spot Exchange Limited (NSEL) scam. The Central agency attached two flats and a parcel of land in Thane worth Rs 11.35 crore to Mr Sarnaik and his family members under provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).
(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)
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