This Article is From Dec 19, 2013

We deal with US State Department, not with Preet Bharara, says Salman Khurshid: highlights

Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade was handcuffed on the street in New York when she was dropping her daughter off to school last Thursday. After her arrest, she was strip-searched, swabbed for DNA and subjected to a cavity search and was then placed in a cell with drug addicts. The US has accused Ms Khobragade of lying on the visa application for an Indian national who worked at her home, paying her less than minimum wages and forcing her to work for more than 40 hours a week. External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid speaks to NDTV on the row.

Here are the highlights:

  • I think we should just stick to Secretary Kerry's point of view - he represents the President's policy vis-a-vis India.
  • As far as we are concerned, we deal not with Preet Bharara but with the State department
  • I imagine there will be an opportunity for us to speak later in the day (on speaking to John Kerry)
  • My understanding of international law - or anything - doesn't include bringing in family
  • She (Sangeeta Richard) is an Indian citizen and we have recalled her passport
  • Don't think there are allegations of human rights violations
  • Our diplomat was not a danger or a threat - to have done all that they have done - seems a bit far-fetched 
  • I would like to find out that this is standard operating procedure (with regard to the strip-search)
  • I am not taking what anyone from the US says seriously except what Secretary Kerry has said 
  • I will go only by an authentic account given by the diplomatic service headed by Secretary Kerry
  • We have already indicated that the charges are unfounded and should be dropped
  • We want the dignity restored and want our diplomat secure from any further harassment 
  • Extremely hurtful as far as we have been concerned, the Indian public agitated
  • The proportionality of response needs to be kept in mind - if there is a discrepancy between US and Indian law, we can suggest steps taken under Indian law
  • The Indian diplomat was available to help them throughout - we continued to deal on a basic relationship of trust 
  • It required accommodation and adjustment between laws of two countries
  • Our Ambassador isn't paid what the US Ambassador is paid in India 
  • Whatever arrangement there is, it is available to all other countries
  • Many others adhere to the same arrangement
  • If Indian laws don't comply with US laws, why couldn't America just talk?
  • If there is a discordance, you talk about it - you don't drag people to a prison and do a strip search 
  • If they had the discretion to give Devyani coffee, why not the discretion to not strip search her?
  • It's a clear conspiracy against an Indian diplomat
  • Whatever has been done by the agencies in the US is unacceptable
  • I want this reversed quickly
  • This is a concern we are handing and it's a concern we will try to address
  • We have a valuable relationship with the US, this is not something I believe is in peril
  • There is no reason why I should pay attention to a prosecutor in America 
  • I feel no need to take Preet Bharara or his comments seriously

