This Article is From Sep 24, 2014

We Have Gone Beyond Boundaries of Human Imagination: PM Modi at ISRO


PM Narendra Modi at the mission control centre at ISRO.

Bangalore: Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks at the Indian Space Research Organisation's mission control centre in Bangalore after the success of Mangalyaan, India's Mars mission. Here are the highlights:

  • India has successfully reached Mars. Congratulations to all of you.
  • We have achieved the near impossible.
  • ISRO has joined an elite group
  • India is the only country to have succeeded in its first attempt.
  • We have gone beyond boundaries of human imagination.
  • History has been created, congratulate scientists and fellow Indians on this historic occasion.
  • MOM has been united with Mars. MOM never disappoints
  • Our efforts have historically focused on ultimate objective of nation-building. Of translating space technology into space applications.
  • Through your achievements, you have honoured our fore-fathers, and inspired our future generations.
  • Through your brilliance, and hard work, you have made it a habit, of achieving the impossible.
  • No one represents this zeal for exploring the unknown more, than our space scientists, here at ISRO.
  • With today's spectacular success, ISRO joins an elite group, of only 3 other agencies worldwide to have successfully reached the red planet.
  • The odds, were stacked against us. Of the 51 missions, attempted across the world so far, a mere 21 had succeeded. But we have prevailed.
  • Travelling an incredible distance, of over 650 million or 65 crore kms,we have gone beyond boundaries, of human enterprise & imagination.
  • We have dared, to reach out, into the unknown.
  • 5 minutes in every school to applaud our scientists today.
  • These are all accomplishments that will go down as landmarks in history.
  • Humanity would not progress if we had not taken such leaps into the unknown.
  • Success is the courage to take the decision to take a big risk.
  • Atalji's vision has inspired us to reach for the moon.
  • This must become the base for challenging the next frontier.
  • Let today's success drive us with even greater vigour.
