West Bengal BJP chief Dilip Ghosh's frontal attack on Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee for highlighting her leg injury, backfired hugely today. His comment - that the Chief Minister should wear bermudas if she wanted to display her legs - was slammed vehemently by Trinamool, with one of its leaders calling him a "pervert".
At a rally in Purulia yesterday, the state BJP chief said: "The plaster was cut and then a crepe bandage was put. And now she is displaying her leg to everyone. She is dressed in a saree but one of her legs is exposed. I have never seen anyone drape a saree like that. If you want to display your legs, why a saree, wear a pair of bermudas so everyone can have a good look."
Women leaders of the ruling Trinamool Congress were vocal in their outrage. Party MP Mohua Moitra, known for her outspoken remarks, was vehement.
"BJP West Bengal President asks in public meeting why Mamatadi is wearing a saree, she should be wearing 'Bermuda' shorts to display her leg better. And these perverted depraved monkeys think they are going to win Bengal?" read her tweet.
"It now appears that the role of @BJP4Bengal State President has been merely reduced to that of venom-spitting. From scathing attacks towards the CM of Bengal to violence towards @AITCofficial workers - he has conveniently crossed all limits. Shocking words, once again!" tweeted Kakoli Ghosh Dastidar.
Mamata Banerjee was injured in Nandigram earlier this month.
While the Election Commission dismissed it as an accident, her party claimed the Chief Minister sustained injuries when an attempt was made on her life.
Mamata Banerjee hit the campaign trail soon after, going around in a wheelchair, her leg in a cast. At every rally, she has been speaking of her injuries and asserting that though her wounds are painful, they would not stop her.
The BJP had scoffed at her, claiming that the Chief Minister was faking an injury to get public sympathy in a losing battle.