West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday condoled the death of senior TMC leader and eminent journalist Chandan Mitra, saying that the two-time Rajya Sabha MP will be remembered for his contributions to journalism and politics.
He was suffering for a while and died late on Wednesday night, his son Kushan Mitra said.
"Saddened by the demise of Shri Chandan Mitra. He will be remembered for his contribution to the world of journalism and politics. Heartfelt condolences to his family and loved ones," Ms Banerjee tweeted.
In another statement, she said that 65-year-old Chandan Mitra was the editor-in-chief of The Pioneer, and was earlier associated with other newspapers like The Statesman, The Times of India, The Sunday Observer and Hindustan Times in different phases of his chequered career.
"As the chronicler of society and news, his death has caused a void in the world of journalism," the TMC chief said.
Chandan Mitra had joined the TMC in 2018 in the presence of Ms Banerjee during the party's July 21 'Martyrs' Day Rally'.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)