Prime Minister Narendra Modi Friday accused West Bengal's TMC government of partonising illegal immigration from Bangladesh and extortion syndicates but uncharacteristically avoided personally targeting Chief Minister Mamata Banarjee.
Addressing a virtual rally at Shaheed Minar ground from New Delhi, he said West Bengal needed peace for development.
"Illegal immigration, syndicates and extortion are big hurdles in the path of West Bengal's development," he said without naming Ms Banerjee, whom the BJP has often accused of patronising such activities.
The prime minister's virtual meeting came a day after the Election Commission banned road shows, motorcycle rallies and padyatras for the remaining two phases of the state assembly election campaign and capped attendance at public rallies to just 500.
PM Modi, who was to address four rallies on Friday, cancelled his visit to the state and chose to address just one public meeting online at the Shaheed Minar ground.
PM Modi did not breathe fire against Mamata Banerjee during his speech where he underscored the importance of "dignity of labour, ease of living and ease of doing business", all of which, he claimed, were missing in West Bengal.
"Bengal yearns for peace, security and development," he said.
Exuding confidence about the BJP coming to power in the state, the prime minister said the new government will use technology to transform Kolkata, the city of joy, to city of future.
Referring to alleged crimes against women, PM Modi said the BJP government will set up fast track courts across Bengal for providing speedy justice to women.