Two ministers, Bratya Basu and Rathin Ghosh and 12 MLAs in West Bengal are set to take oath at the state assembly on Friday, a source in the state government said on Thursday. Bratya Basu and Rathin Ghosh were sworn-in as ministers by Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar virtually on May 10 as they were diagnosed with COVID-19. On May 28, they would take oath as the Member of Legislative Assembly.
While Bratya Basu holds the Education portfolio in the new government, Rathin Ghosh was assigned the Food and Supply Department by Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee.
Besides, TMC's Bhagabangola MLA Idris Ali and Manikchak legislator Sabitri Mitra would also take oath, the source added. The two leaders were also undergoing treatment for COVID-19 and have recovered now, he said.
TMC MLAs Sahina Mumtaz Khan (Naoda), Mrityunjoy Murmu (Raipur), Swati Khandkar (Chanditala) and Pradip Barma (Jalpaiguri) would be sworn in by Speaker Biman Banerjee.
BJP MLAs Arup Kumar Das (Kanthi Dakshin), Sreerupa Mitra Chaudhury (English Bazar), Satyendra Nath Roy (Gangarampur) and Tanmay Ghosh (Bishnupur) would also be taking the oath, according to sources.