West Bengal Pollution Control Board permitted the sales and bursting of green firecrackers in the state for a limited time frame during Diwali, Chhath Puja, Christmas and New Years Eve on Wednesday.
As per an order from the pollution control body, the sale/bursting of firecrackers during Diwali from 8-10 pm and Chhat Puja from 6-8 pm. For Christmas and New Year's Eve, the time frame to sell and burst firecrackers is 35 minutes each (From 11:55 PM to 12:30 AM for New Year).
"Other than the above-specified festivals, the prior permission of District Magistrates/Commissioners of Police/Superintendents of Police shall be required for the use of only green crackers for a limited period (not more than two hours) in the state of West Bengal," the order added.
Diwali will be celebrated across the country on November 4 this year.