Auroville, "a universal city" in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, will be celebrating its 50th year on February 28. To celebrate the golden jubilee of the 'city of dawn', a name with which the city is identified, Prime Minister Narendra Modi went to Auroville on Sunday and paid a visit to the Aurobindo Ashram, Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education and tweeted pictures of his visit describing it as "beautiful, calm and full of positivity". He also said, "At Auroville, the material and the spiritual, co-exist in harmony ".
Auroville is beautiful, calm and full of positivity. Here are pictures from my visit there.
- Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) February 25, 2018
Here are 5 Facts about Auroville in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry:
1. Auroville is an experimental township in Viluppuram district mostly in Tamil Nadu. Some of its parts are in Puducherry as well.
2. It was founded in 1968 by Mirra Alfassa (known as "the Mother") and designed by architect Roger Anger.
3. The purpose of Auroville is to realise human unity. It wants to be a universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities, Mirra Alfassa had said.
4. Auroville is a growing community of 2,700 people from 50 nations and the vision for Auroville is that it belongs to nobody in particular but humanity as a whole.
5. The best time to visit Auroville is November - March. Places that can be seen in Auroville are Matrimandir, Auro beach and Botanical gardens.
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