In an interesting incident, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday, inquired about the performance and well being of Kashi (Varanasi) MP from the Uttar Pradesh Bharatiya Janata Party chief Swatantra Dev Singh.
Sources present in the meeting stated that the prime minister, during the BJP's meeting of national office bearers, jokingly inquired about the well being of the Kashi MP.
"The Prime minister's sudden comment also took the state BJP chief by surprise. Who reacted with a smile and folded hands to the PM Modi's gentle query," a senior leader said.
The incident happened when the prime minister was going around the meeting to interact with the office bearers present at the meet.
The BJP had organised its first meeting of national office bearers after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic on February 21 in the national capital.
The PM had addressed the gathering apart from BJP chief JP Nadda outlining the strategy on strengthening the organisation.
While PM's address was more about how and what BJP leaders should speak upon in public and on lessons from life on countering opposition, Nadda was more on how to expand and strengthen the party across the country.
This is PM Modi's second term as Varanasi MP. He was first elected from the constituency in 2014 Lok Sabha polls.