In a heartwarming tale, a seven-year-old girl's life has been saved thanks to the collective efforts of those in the Supreme Court Bar Association.
The daughter of a Supreme Court lawyer was diagnosed with Fanconi anemia, necessitating a bone marrow transplant. The estimated cost of her treatment at a private hospital in Delhi was a staggering Rs 33 lakh. However, her father could only manage to gather Rs 13 lakh for her medical expenses, leaving a significant shortfall.
Faced with this dire situation, the father turned to the Supreme Court Bar Association for assistance. Responding promptly, Bar Secretary Rohit Pandey and Joint Secretary Meenesh Dubey took the lead in organising support. Senior lawyers including Chandra Uday Singh, Raj Shekhar Rao, Paras Kuhad, Guru Krishna Kumar, Sonia Mathur, and Narendra Hooda came forward, collectively contributing around Rs 5 lakh towards the cause. Despite this contribution, a shortfall of Rs 15 lakh remained.
Meenesh Dubey, determined to bridge the financial gap, reached out to senior lawyer Harish Salve for help. Upon learning of the pressing need, Mr Salve immediately pledged Rs 15 lakh towards the treatment. He transferred the funds the very next day, ensuring that the girl's treatment could commence without delay. This swift and generous gesture brought hope and relief to the family, marking the successful culmination of their efforts to save the child's life.
Reflecting on the compassionate response, Meenesh Dubey emphasized the father's struggle as a first-generation lawyer, unable to afford the entire cost of treatment. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the Bar Association rallied behind him, leaving no stone unturned in their endeavor to secure the necessary funds.
Mr Dubey further highlighted the ongoing commitment of the Bar to assist its members financially, underscoring the solidarity and compassion that define the legal community.
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