The BJP has fielded Harish Khurana, the son of former Delhi Chief Minister Madan Lal Khurana, from the Moti Nagar constituency in the upcoming Delhi Assembly election. Mr Khurana is up against AAP's Shiv Charan Goel, a two-time MLA from the Moti Nagar seat, and Congress' Rajendra Namdhari.
Delhi goes to polls in a single phase on February 5. The votes will be counted on February 8.
Who is Harish Khurana?
- Harish Khurana is the son of senior BJP leader Madan Lal Khurana. His father served as the third Chief Minister of Delhi from 1993 to 1996.
- He attended DAV Public School in Sahibabad and graduated from Ramjas College in Delhi University, Harish Khurana was active in politics and was a part of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), BJP's student wing.
- A secretary of Delhi BJP, Mr Khurana has served in various roles in the state unit. He is a former convenor of the public relations cell and was also a spokesperson for Delhi BJP.
- Madan Lal Khurana represented Moti Nagar for two terms in 1993 and 2003. Harish Khurana aims to continue the legacy of his father's work in the area and believes the place, “once ideal for living”, has been neglected in recent years. The BJP last won the Moti Nagar seat in 2013 when Subhash Sachdeva defeated AAP's Kuldeep Singh Channa. The Moti Nagar constituency has been held by Aam Aadmi Party's Shiv Charan Goel since 2015. Mr Goel won the seat by over 14,000 votes in the 2020 Assembly elections.
- In November 2019, a trial court summoned Harish Khurana in a defamation case filed by then Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia. The AAP leader named five other BJP leaders, including Hans Raj Hans, Manoj Tiwari and Pravesh Sahib Singh Verma, for accusing him of corruption in relation to Delhi government schools. Mr Sisodia claimed the accusations were made with the intention to harm and damage his reputation and goodwill. In January 2023, the Delhi High Court halted the proceedings against Mr Khurana in the defamation case.
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