Suchana Seth, CEO of a Bengaluru-based AI startup, was arrested for allegedly murdering her four-year-old son at a Goa service apartment. She was caught trying to flee in a cab with the child's body stuffed in a bag, citing an “estranged relationship” with her husband as a possible motive, as per the police.
Ms Seth had checked into a luxury apartment in North Goa's Candolim on Saturday and checked out on Monday morning.
Who is Suchana Seth?
– Suchana Seth is the founder of The Mindful AI Lab. She has been leading the organisation for over four years, which focuses on advancements in artificial intelligence.
– Suchana Seth worked as an affiliate at the Berkman Klein Center for two years, contributing to the ethics and governance of Artificial Intelligence and Responsible machine learning in Boston, Massachusetts.
– Before founding The Mindful AI Lab, Ms Seth was a Senior Data Scientist at Boomerang Commerce in Bangalore. She used to design data-driven products for price optimization and intelligence. She filed two patents during this period. She was also associated with Innovation Labs. Ms Seth used to work as a senior analytics consultant at the company's Data Sciences Group.
– Ms Seth holds a Master's degree in Physics specialising in Plasma Physics with Astrophysics from the University of Calcutta, where she achieved First Class honours in 2008.
- She holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Sanskrit with the First Rank from the Ramakrishna Mission Institute Of Culture, and a Bachelor's degree in Physics (Honours) with First Class honours from Bhawanipur Education Society College, Kolkata. During her college days, Ms Seth actively participated in quiz competitions.