This Article is From Dec 07, 2009

Who stands where

Who stands where

AFP Image

New Delhi: China
  • World's biggest emitter of greenhouse gases
  • Has announced 40-45% cuts in carbon intensity by 2020
  • Wants rich countries to cut emissions by 40% by 2020 
  • Wants rich nations to pay 1% of annual GDP to help other countries adapt
 United states
  • World's second biggest polluter
  • Has agreed to cut emissions by 15% subject to Congress approval
  • Against Kyoto-style treaty imposing legal obligations 
  • Bill to cap emissions stuck in Senate
  • Obama: We understand the gravity of climate change, determined to act
European union
  • World's third largest polluter
  • Will cut 20% emissions by 2020 if other big emitters take tough action 
  • Wants rich countries to make 80-95% cuts by 2050 
  • Wants developing nations to slow emissions growth
  •  World's fourth largest polluterHas announced 20-25% cuts in carbon intensity by 2020
  • Opposed to legally binding emission targets
  • Wants rich countries to lead the way, cut emissions by 40% by 2020
