Since Lalit Modi announced his "new beginning" with Bollywood actor Sushmita Sen, the news has left the Internet buzzing. The former chairman of the Indian Premier League (IPL) sent social media into a collective meltdown when he announced the news with a set of happy pictures featuring himself and Sushmita Sen. He wrote, "Just back in London after a whirling global tour the Maldives and Sardinia with the families - not to mention my better-looking partner Sushmita Sen. A new beginning a new life finally. Over the moon. In love does not mean marriage yet.”
But did you know Lalit Modi was previously married to Minal Modi? The couple tied the knot in 1991 and remained together until Minal died due to cancer in 2018. She was 63.
Here are five facts about her:
• Minal Modi was about 10 years older than Lalit Modi.
• They had two children together, Aaaliya Modi and Richir Modi.
• Sushmita Sen is said to have known Minal Modi personally. The three would often watch IPL matches together, reported the Times of India.
• Before Lalit Modi, Minal Modi was married to a Saudi Arabia-based businessman, Jack Sagrani. Mr Sagrani was jailed for seven months for his involvement in a scam. She was then pregnant with their first child, according to a report by Bangalore Mirror.
• Minal Modi was friends with Lalit Modi's mother. The family was initially not ready for marriage due to the age gap. Lalit Modi's mother, Bina, also felt betrayed. "Lalit said he would create a scandal if the marriage was not agreed to. The Modis were left with no choice," a family friend told Bangalore Mirror.