Three days after actor Sanjay Dutt was sentenced to five years in jail by the Supreme Court in an arms case related to the 1993 Bombay blasts, his sister and Congress MP Priya Dutt today said that the actor and his family respected the verdict. She, though, added that the family was exploring all possible options of securing relief for the actor.
Here is the full text of Ms Dutt's message to the media:
Firstly I thank you all. Your support has been of immense value to both me and my family.
It is in your lowest moment that we can truly know your friends. I would like to thank the entire film industry, prominent personalities and most of all, the people of India for their overwhelming gestures of love and support shown towards Sanjay and our family.
A 20-year ordeal has finally come to an end. 20 years is a lifetime for most people. In Sanjay's case this has been a lifetime of tension and anxiety, a lifetime of repentance and reform, a lifetime of punishment and trial. For Sanjay, versions of verdicts have been passed on him throughout these years. He has been judged by all during these 20 years and sometimes, in the most harsh ways. Yet, he has stood strong and firm, normalised his life, served society, helped and stood by his colleagues, friends and family and is today, one of the most dependable people in the film fraternity.
As a sister, as a family...we will always stand by him. That is what any loving family will do. It is only logical that as a family, we will explore every option. If the purpose of incarceration is reform and punishment for crime committed, then I believe he has undergone both. As a family, we accept the judgement of the hon. Supreme Court, and we stand strong together in this trying time to give each other the strength and courage. Sanjay has been strong and has accepted the decision of the honourable court.
Here is the full text of Ms Dutt's message to the media:
Firstly I thank you all. Your support has been of immense value to both me and my family.
It is in your lowest moment that we can truly know your friends. I would like to thank the entire film industry, prominent personalities and most of all, the people of India for their overwhelming gestures of love and support shown towards Sanjay and our family.
A 20-year ordeal has finally come to an end. 20 years is a lifetime for most people. In Sanjay's case this has been a lifetime of tension and anxiety, a lifetime of repentance and reform, a lifetime of punishment and trial. For Sanjay, versions of verdicts have been passed on him throughout these years. He has been judged by all during these 20 years and sometimes, in the most harsh ways. Yet, he has stood strong and firm, normalised his life, served society, helped and stood by his colleagues, friends and family and is today, one of the most dependable people in the film fraternity.
As a sister, as a family...we will always stand by him. That is what any loving family will do. It is only logical that as a family, we will explore every option. If the purpose of incarceration is reform and punishment for crime committed, then I believe he has undergone both. As a family, we accept the judgement of the hon. Supreme Court, and we stand strong together in this trying time to give each other the strength and courage. Sanjay has been strong and has accepted the decision of the honourable court.
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