The Delhi Police, on Thursday, dismissed the rumours that the national capital will be under a lockdown from September 8 to 10, for the G20 summit. But the police have informed that “New Delhi district will a controlled zone” during the summit.
The Delhi Police, on September 1, shared an animated clip on X, formerly Twitter, informing about the services that will be allowed during the G20 Summit.
The clip opens with a background voice asking, “Will there be a lockdown kind of situation in Delhi during the G20 Summit?” In response to this, the background voice said, “No way.”
It added, “In every corner of Delhi, essential services such as milk shops, pharmacies, vegetable markets and grocery stores will remain open. And no matter where you are in Delhi, the metro will be running, just the Supreme Court metro station takes a break.”
The clip concluded with a crucial message that read, “Beware of rumours, live smart.”
Along with the video, the Delhi Police wrote, “Will there be a lockdown in Delhi during the G20 Summit? No. New Delhi District will be a 'Controlled Zone', but bonafide residents of the area will be allowed passage. Metro and essential services will operate normally.”
Earlier, an official statement informed the citizens that the authorities would shut all the markets, banks, schools and other commercial establishments during those three days. This advisory sparked rumours of a lockdown in Delhi.
It must be noted that on September 9 and 10, the gathering of the heads of state and other dignitaries will be held at the newly built Bharat Mandapam at Pragati Maidan.
Delhi traffic police have released a detailed advisory on the traffic movement in the national capital.
The official statement revealed that all traffic restrictions will come into effect from the night of September 7 and remain in place till September 11.