Indian women's hockey star Gurjeet Kaur's father Satnam Singh on Friday said that he will request for a government job for his daughter who has scored 2 goals in the bronze medal match versus Great Britain at Tokyo Olympics on Friday.
"I will talk to the government regarding a government job for my daughter. Let's see what happens," Satnam said while praising his daughter's performance in the match.
Indian women's hockey team went down fighting against Great Britain 3-4 in the bronze medal match here at Oi Hockey Stadium -- North Pitch on Friday. With this loss, the Indian women's team finished fourth at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, meanwhile, team Great Britain captured their third consecutive Olympic medal.
"We lost, but Punjab won. Our daughter is from Punjab and she scored 2 brilliant goals. We will welcome her just the way we were going to in case of a win," added Satnam.
Gurjeet's brother, Gurucharan Singh was also pleased with the performance of the team.
"It is not a loss. It is a matter of pride to see our girls reach at this level," he said.
Another family member also said that they accept the defeat and praised Gurjeet's individual performance as well, saying: "Results are in the hands of God. She has played well and scored 2 goals. She will be welcomed like she was supposed to on the occasion of a win. It is huge that after 40 years, girls played the semi-finals and our Gurjeet scored 2 goals."
The Indian Women's Hockey team finished at fourth position after losing their semi-final bout to Great Britain by a margin of 3-4 at the Tokyo Olympics on Friday. Earlier, India had lost to Argentina by a margin of 2-1, thus setting up a bronze medal clash versus Great Britain.