A woman was injured by two leopards at a village in Madhya Pradesh's Mandsaur district, following which a group of villagers captured one of the big cats and killed it. In a video shot by a villager, a group of men are seen chasing the leopard on a dry field and among homes as it tries to hide.
The villagers said the two leopards probably waited for the woman to pass and when she came in their view, the big cats ambushed her.
Three people were injured in the effort to catch the leopard. They have been admitted to a hospital. Along with forest department officials, the villagers armed with sticks ran after the two leopards, one of which managed to hide, and pinned the second animal to the ground. The leopard died of injuries.
In the video, men after men jump on the animal to restrain its limbs from getting free.
The villagers say they are living in fear of the other leopard that has not been captured yet.