A 19-year-old woman in Karnataka has died after being pushed into a lake allegedly by her brother after a fight over her interfaith relationship, police said today. The woman's 43-year-old mother, who jumped into the lake to save her, is also dead.
The brother, Nitin, has been arrested.
On Tuesday, at around 9.30pm, Nitin and Dhanushri got into an argument about her relationship with a Muslim man at their village in Hunsur, around 175 km from Bengaluru, the police said.
Nitin allegedly urged his sister to end the relationship but she refused, which enraged him. He allegedly pushed her in a fit of anger.
Soon after the incident, Nitin went to one of his relatives, who called the police.
"Nitin and his sister weren't talking to each other for the last 7 months... Yesterday, he came and asked money for petrol. He returned and got me to the spot. I went to the police station and filed a complaint," said a relative who did not wish to be named.
Both the bodies have been recovered and sent for postmortem, said police.
Earlier this month, an inter-faith couple was subjected to harassment and threats by a group of nine individuals in an incident of moral policing in Haveri.