This Article is From Sep 22, 2014

Woman Lawyer's Claims of Consuming Poison Stirs Drama in Supreme Court

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FILE photo: Supreme Court

New Delhi: A woman lawyer's claim that she had taken poisonous tablets because her complaint of gang-rape had been ignored led to drama in the Supreme Court today.

The Chief Justice of India, RM Lodha along with his two brother judges was about to rise after the day's business when the lawyer got up and alleged that she had been gang-raped in November last year by her in-laws. She alleged that a First Information Report (FIR) or police complaint had been filed but no action had been taken by the Chhattisgarh police. Then to the court's utter shock, she went on to declare that she had consumed phenyl tablets.

The lawyer was then rushed to hospital.

The Supreme Court will hear her case tomorrow.