A woman from Madhya Pradesh's Bhopal has filed for a divorce from her husband just eight months after her marriage as the husband promised her a honeymoon in Goa or abroad but took her to Ayodhya and Varanasi instead. The divorce application filed by the woman was submitted in a family court, where the couple underwent a counselling session.
The counsellor from the Marriage court Shail Awasthi told NDTV that the couple got married in May last year and both of them are working as IT professionals.
The woman, in her divorce petition, said that both of them earned well, which means that going abroad for a honeymoon was not a big deal for them.
Despite no financial constraints, the woman's husband refused to take her abroad and insisted on visiting a place in India itself. He claimed that he had to look after his parents, following which the couple agreed to visit Goa or South India for their honeymoon.
However, he later booked flights to Ayodhya and Varanasi, without telling his wife. He informed her of the changed travel plans, only a day before the trip, saying that they were going to Ayodhya as his mother wanted to visit the city before the Ram Mandir consecration ceremony.
She didn't object to the trip at the time and went ahead with the plan. However, they indulged in a heated argument upon their return, and the case reached a family court in Bhopal on January 19.
In her statement, she also claimed that her husband took more care of his family members than her. Meanwhile, her husband said that his wife was just making a big fuss.
The couple is currently receiving counseling at the Bhopal Family Court.
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