Crores of BJP karyakartas will fan out in one lakh villages across India to do service work as BJP celebrates the seventh anniversary of the Narendra Modi government. The ruling party is championing the day as "Seva Diwas" amid muted celebrations as the country reels from a deadly second wave of coronavirus.
"Hearty congratulations to Modi ji on the completion of seven years of his government and best wishes to the entire NDA family. Under the leadership of Modi ji, we will celebrate this day as Seva Diwas. Today crores of our workers will do service work in 1 lakh villages," tweeted BJP president JP Nadda.
Union Ministers and Ministers in BJP-ruled states have been asked to reach out to two villages each. Those who can't make physical appearances must ensure they are seen via video meetings, party chief JP Nadda said outlining the anniversary celebration plans on Monday
In villages, says the BJP, the workers will provide Covid-related assistance, which includes the distribution of dry rations, sanitisers, face masks and oximeters.
Last week Mr Nadda wrote to state units and said: "Party workers should dedicate themselves in the service of the society... and thank the people for giving the BJP a chance to serve for seven years."
These efforts come as PM Modi faces a torrent of criticism over his government's management of the COVID-19 crisis.
The Congress' youth wing has been active and visible in efforts to help people during the pandemic.
Earlier this month, sources said public anger over the scale of devastation in the second wave was worrying the BJP and its ideological mothership, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS).