Veteran BJP leader and former Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa, who turned 79-years of age on Sunday said he will tour across the state after the budget session of the legislature and strive towards bringing the party back to power in the 2023 assembly polls.
The "BJP strong man" also exuded confidence about the party forming the government once again, as the blessings of the people are with them.
"Despite not being in power, more than 2,000-3,000 people came and blessed me on the occasion of my birthday, I'm indebted for their love and trust. After the assembly session, I will once again travel across the state and will do all that is possible beyond my limits to bring BJP back to power," Mr Yediyurappa said.
Speaking to reporters, he said people are still with the BJP and will not support the Congress' hypocrisy, as they have seen them.
"It is our firm resolve that BJP should come back to power in the next assembly elections, it is also the wish of the people. We will all travel across the state and put collective efforts in that direction. We are confident that the people will bless us," he added.
The budget session would be held from March 4 to 30.
Mr Yediyurappa, who had led the BJP to emerge as the single largest party in 2018 assembly polls and then brought it to power in July 2019, by ensuring the fall of the Congress-JD(S) coalition government, had stepped down as the Chief Minister on July 26 last year, coinciding with his government completing two years in office.
Among several other things, age was said to be the primary factor for the Lingayat strong man's exit from the coveted post, as there is an unwritten rule in the BJP of keeping out those above 75-years from elected offices. He was succeeded by Basavaraj Bommai, considered to be his loyalist.
Mr Bommai was among a large number of leaders, well wishers and supporters who called on Mr Yediyurappa to greet him on his birthday.