Since its launch last Sunday, NaMo TV - a channel dedicated to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's campaign for Lok Sabha elections - has been at the heart of an intense debate. While the opposition has taken the issue to the Election Commission, accusing it of violating model code of conduct, the poll body has asked for a report from the Information and Broadcasting ministry. But the raging controversy aside, Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted today urging people to "tune in right away" and watch "Yoga with Modi" on NaMo TV.
The tweet showed an animated figurine of Prime Minister Narendra Modi performing Yoga asanas. One of the videos of "Yoga with Modi" shows the prime minister in an orange t-shirt and black pants performing yoga.
Get on the highway to health with NaMo TV.
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) April 6, 2019
'Yoga With Modi' is being telecast now. Tune in right away!
The 3D video, available in both English and Hindi, provides step by step instructions along with illustrations on the health benefits of each asana.
#WATCH: 3D animation of PM Narendra Modi depicting Trikonasana (the triangle posture) #Yoga
— ANI (@ANI) March 25, 2018
NaMo TV is a 24-hour channel exclusively featuring Prime Minister Narendra Modi's speeches and pro-BJP content and was launched on various DTH and cable TV platforms on March 31. Sources in the Information and Broadcasting ministry termed the channel an "advertising platform" and claimed that it does not need government's approval adding that NaMo TV "is not a normal channel" and does not figure in the official list of approved channels of the ministry.
Following complaints that the ruling BJP is using NaMo TV for poll propaganda, the Election Commission had, earlier in the week, written to the Information and Broadcasting Ministry on the channel's launch on March 31 (Sunday), well after the model code came into force.
Soon after the channel's launch, PM Modi's Twitter account asked people to watch "real time coverage of PM Modi's exciting election campaign and a lot more fascinating content." It remains unclear who owns the channel or how it gets its funding.
The day we were most looking forward to is here!
— Chowkidar Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) March 31, 2019
At 5 PM, lakhs of Chowkidars from different parts of India will interact in the historic #MainBhiChowkidar programme.
This is an interaction you must not miss.
Watch it live on the NaMoApp or NaMo TV.
The Modi government has on several occasions endorsed yoga on national and international platforms. The Prime Minister has also often stressed on practicing yoga for a FitIndia - a movement launched by the BJP government for a "healthier India".