Ahead of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's meeting with Bollywood personalities in Mumbai, Maharashtra BJP president Chandrakant Patil on Tuesday said "nobody can take the Film City and its glamour away from Mumbai."
Yogi Adityanath is arriving late this evening in Mumbai and slated to meet industrialists and film personalities during the visit. As per reports, Sachin Sawant, a spokesperson for the Congress party, a part of the ruling coalition in Maharashtra, has alleged a conspiracy to shift Bollywood out of Mumbai.
"Yogiji may be coming here to study the film city and facilities being provided to the industry, but nobody can take the film city and its glamour away from Mumbai," Mr Patil told reporters.
Responding to a query, the BJP leader said every state has the right to develop or provide some facilities to the film industry. "They are free to do so," he added.
Yogi Adityanath had earlier unveiled an ambitious plan to set up a film city and rolled out an open offer to film fraternity to come to Uttar Pradesh.
The UP government had already approved a proposal for setting up a film city in Sector 21 along the Yamuna Expressway in Gautam Buddh Nagar.
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