Yogi Adityanath, the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, today referred to an episode of the epic Mahabharata on Draupadi to illustrate his view that silence on the triple talaq practice among politicians is also an offence. "There's a new debate in the country. Different theories are being floated on it. Some are silent on the issue," Yogi Adityanath said at the launch of a book on former prime minister Chandrashekhar.
"When I see people silent on the raging issue, the episode from Mahabharat comes to my mind. When Draupadi was disrobed in the king's court she asked - Who is responsible for this? Vidura said those who have committed the crime, those who are the accomplices and those who were silent are equally responsible."
The saffron-robed Chief Minister was referring to the Mahabharata episode on the humiliation of Draupadi, in which the silence of court elders was judged in the same measure as those who committed the crime.
The political narrative, he said, is silent over triple talaq. "The system makes them stand in court with those guilty, the supporters and with those who are silent," he said.
The comments come at a time the Supreme Court is hearing petitions challenging the practice of instant divorce by uttering "talaq" thrice and debating whether the court has the right to step in. Among the petitioners is a woman who was divorced by her husband on WhatsApp.
On Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi also spoke out strongly against triple talaq, asserting that the exploitation of Muslim women should end and justice should be done to them.
Earlier this month, the centre told the Supreme Court that 'triple talaq' was among customs that impact the social status and dignity of Muslim women and deny them fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution.
The All India Muslim Personal Law Board, vehemently opposing court interference on Muslim personal law, has said that it will issue a code of conduct to prevent misuse of triple talaq.
"When I see people silent on the raging issue, the episode from Mahabharat comes to my mind. When Draupadi was disrobed in the king's court she asked - Who is responsible for this? Vidura said those who have committed the crime, those who are the accomplices and those who were silent are equally responsible."
The saffron-robed Chief Minister was referring to the Mahabharata episode on the humiliation of Draupadi, in which the silence of court elders was judged in the same measure as those who committed the crime.
The political narrative, he said, is silent over triple talaq. "The system makes them stand in court with those guilty, the supporters and with those who are silent," he said.
The comments come at a time the Supreme Court is hearing petitions challenging the practice of instant divorce by uttering "talaq" thrice and debating whether the court has the right to step in. Among the petitioners is a woman who was divorced by her husband on WhatsApp.
On Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi also spoke out strongly against triple talaq, asserting that the exploitation of Muslim women should end and justice should be done to them.
Earlier this month, the centre told the Supreme Court that 'triple talaq' was among customs that impact the social status and dignity of Muslim women and deny them fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution.
The All India Muslim Personal Law Board, vehemently opposing court interference on Muslim personal law, has said that it will issue a code of conduct to prevent misuse of triple talaq.
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