This Article is From Jun 11, 2009

Youngest victim identifies Kasab


The youngest eyewitness to testify in the trial of Ajmal Amir Kasab identified him in court on Wednesday. The 10-year-old girl was injured by Kasab's bullets while waiting to board a train at CST station on 26/11.

She came to court with her father moving on crutches after her injuries left her handicapped. While the girl was not part of the original list of witnesses, the court allowed her testimony after examining her first.

When the 10-year-old girl entered, carried by the father, the courtroom fell silent. The girl's right leg might have been injured permanently by Kasab's bullet, but her spirit remained. Here is what she said in the court.

Witness: Around 10 o clock I heard the sound of an explosion. My father said we should leave immediately. We heard bullets being fired. I was hit in my right leg. I fell down. I was bleeding and I saw a man who was firing.

Ujjawal Nikam: Is that person in court today?

Witness: Yes, that one.

As the girl pointed at him, Kasab sat expressionless.

When asked if she had identified Kasab only because the police had told her to, she shot back, saying, "I do not swear on God and then lie."

Her demeanour was in stark contrast to that for father, who in an emotionally charged testimony, named Kasab as the man who had shot his daughter. Kasab stared blankly.

"This rogue shot at my daughter. He destroyed our lives," the father said.

References to Kasab's own behaviour on 26/11 came from a third eyewitness.

"The witness told the court how Kasab kept laughing and shooting at people," said Special Public Prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam.

As eyewitnesses comes forth to testify, and face the only surviving terrorist, it's clear that the emotional scars of 26/11 will be relived again and again in the days to come.
