AMI CSMT EXPRESS (12112) Route, Time Table, Schedule
Number | 12112 |
Source | AMRAVATI (AMI) |
Destination | C SHIVAJI MAH T (CSMT) |
12112 Ami Csmt Express is a -- (--) which is running between Amravati (AMI) and C Shivaji Mah T (CSMT). Ami Csmt Express covers total journey of 672 kilometers. At 19:10 it departs from Amravati and at 06:15 it arrives at C Shivaji Mah T. 12112 Ami Csmt Express has total 13 stopping station like AKOLA JN (AK), MALKAPUR (MKU), NASIK ROAD (NK) etc. between both source and destination stations. Check here 12112 Running status
Last one week running status of the AMI CSMT EXPRESS | |
24th March | 7 Min |
19th March | 9 Min |
17th March | RT |
11th March | RT |
9th March | 12 Min |
8th March | 25 Min |
1st March | 9 Min |
24th February | RT |
Current Location of the Train (24th March) | S K NAGJIHARI ( NGZ ) Check Running Status |
Train Avg. speed | 61 km/hr |
Journey Distance | 672Km. |
Train Travel Time | 11 Hr 5 Min. |
Type of Train | -- (--) |
Train Running schedule | Daily (All Days) |
Return Train | |
AMI CSMT EXPRESS - 12112 Train Schedule
Stations | Arrival | Departure | Halt | Distance | Day |
Stations AMRAVATI | Arrival starts | Departure 19:10 | Halt - | Distance - | Day 2 |
Stations BADNERA JN | Arrival 19:27 | Departure 19:30 | Halt 3 m | Distance 10 km | Day 2 |
Stations MURTAJAPUR | Arrival 20:03 | Departure 20:05 | Halt 2 m | Distance 51 km | Day 2 |
Stations AKOLA JN | Arrival 20:30 | Departure 20:35 | Halt 5 m | Distance 89 km | Day 2 |
Stations SHEGAON | Arrival 21:03 | Departure 21:05 | Halt 2 m | Distance 126 km | Day 2 |
Stations NANDURA | Arrival 21:23 | Departure 21:25 | Halt 2 m | Distance 150 km | Day 2 |
Stations MALKAPUR | Arrival 21:48 | Departure 21:50 | Halt 2 m | Distance 178 km | Day 2 |
Stations BHUSAVAL JN | Arrival 22:55 | Departure 23:00 | Halt 5 m | Distance 228 km | Day 2 |
Stations JALGAON JN | Arrival 23:27 | Departure 23:30 | Halt 3 m | Distance 252 km | Day 2 |
Stations NASIK ROAD | Arrival 02:05 | Departure 02:10 | Halt 5 m | Distance 485 km | Day 3 |
Stations KALYAN JN | Arrival 05:02 | Departure 05:05 | Halt 3 m | Distance 619 km | Day 3 |
Stations DADAR | Arrival 05:42 | Departure 05:45 | Halt 3 m | Distance 664 km | Day 3 |
Stations C SHIVAJI MAH T | Arrival 06:15 | Departure Ends | Halt - | Distance 672 km | Day 3 |
Frequently Asked Questions
What time AMI CSMT EXPRESS depart from AMRAVATI Railway Station?
AMI CSMT EXPRESS (12112) departs from AMRAVATI Railway Station at 19:10.
How much time AMI CSMT EXPRESS take to reach C SHIVAJI MAH T Railway Station?
AMI CSMT EXPRESS reach on day 3 to C SHIVAJI MAH T Railway Station. The arrival time of AMI CSMT EXPRESS at C SHIVAJI MAH T Railway Station is 06:15.
Distance covered by AMI CSMT EXPRESS?
AMI CSMT EXPRESS covers 672 km to reach C SHIVAJI MAH T Railway Station at average speed of 61 km/hr. AMI CSMT EXPRESS passes through 13 stations.
Related train running from same Source
Name | Number | Source | Destination | Runs on |
NGP SUR SUP SPL | 02112 | Source AMRAVATI | Destination C SHIVAJI MAH T | Runs on All Days |
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AMI PUNE EXP | 11406 | Source AMRAVATI | Destination PUNE JN | Runs on Mon, Sat |
AMI CSMT EXPRESS | 12112 | Source AMRAVATI | Destination C SHIVAJI MAH T | Runs on All Days |
AMRAVATI-NGP EXPRESS | 12119 | Source AMRAVATI | Destination AJNI | Runs on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat |
AMI JBP SUP EXP | 12159 | Source AMRAVATI | Destination JABALPUR | Runs on All Days |
SURAT FAST PASS | 59026 | Source AMRAVATI | Destination SURAT | Runs on Mon, Fri, Sat |
AMI PUNE AC EXP | 22118 | Source AMRAVATI | Destination PUNE JN | Runs on Thu |
SURAT EXPRESS | 19026 | Source AMRAVATI | Destination SURAT | Runs on Mon, Fri, Sat |
AMI-WR PASSENGER | 51261 | Source AMRAVATI | Destination WARDHA JN | Runs on All Days |
AMI BD PASS | 51136 | Source AMRAVATI | Destination BADNERA JN | Runs on All Days |
AMI BD PASS | 51138 | Source AMRAVATI | Destination BADNERA JN | Runs on All Days |
AMI BD PASS | 51142 | Source AMRAVATI | Destination BADNERA JN | Runs on All Days |
AMI BD PASS | 51146 | Source AMRAVATI | Destination BADNERA JN | Runs on All Days |
KLK - UMB LINK EXP | 20926 | Source AMRAVATI | Destination SURAT | Runs on Mon, Sat |
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