BVC GNC EXPRESS (19204) Route, Time Table, Schedule
Number | 19204 |
Destination | GANDHINAGAR CAP (GNC) |
19204 Bvc Gnc Express is a Mail Express (MEX) which is running between Bhavnagar Trmus (BVC) and Gandhinagar Cap (GNC). Bvc Gnc Express covers total journey of 309 kilometers. At 04:50 it departs from Bhavnagar Trmus and at 11:10 it arrives at Gandhinagar Cap. 19204 Bvc Gnc Express has total 9 stopping station like SIHOR GUJARAT (SOJN), BOTAD JN (BTD), VIRAMGAM JN (VG) etc. between both source and destination stations. Check here 19204 Running status
Last one week running status of the BVC GNC EXPRESS | |
28th February | 27 Min |
7th February | 15 Min |
27th December | 3 Min |
9th December | RT |
8th November | 9 Min |
18th October | 1 Min |
11th October | 1 Min |
10th October | RT |
Current Location of the Train (28th February) | NALLA SOPARA ( NSP ) Check Running Status |
Train Avg. speed | 49 km/hr |
Journey Distance | 309Km. |
Train Travel Time | 6 Hr 20 Min. |
Type of Train | MAIL EXPRESS (MEX) |
Train Running schedule | 6 days in Week (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun) |
BVC GNC EXPRESS - 19204 Train Schedule
Stations | Arrival | Departure | Halt | Distance | Day |
Stations BHAVNAGAR TRMUS | Arrival starts | Departure 04:50 | Halt - | Distance - | Day 1 |
Stations BHAVANAGAR PARA | Arrival 04:57 | Departure 04:58 | Halt 1 m | Distance 3 km | Day 1 |
Stations SIHOR GUJARAT | Arrival 05:15 | Departure 05:16 | Halt 1 m | Distance 20 km | Day 1 |
Stations DHOLA JN | Arrival 05:38 | Departure 05:39 | Halt 1 m | Distance 49 km | Day 1 |
Stations BOTAD JN | Arrival 06:11 | Departure 06:13 | Halt 2 m | Distance 92 km | Day 1 |
Stations SURENDRANAGAR G | Arrival 06:57 | Departure 06:58 | Halt 1 m | Distance 167 km | Day 1 |
Stations VIRAMGAM JN | Arrival 08:41 | Departure 08:43 | Halt 2 m | Distance 233 km | Day 1 |
Stations AMBLI ROAD | Arrival 09:21 | Departure 09:23 | Halt 2 m | Distance 281 km | Day 1 |
Stations GANDHINAGAR CAP | Arrival 11:10 | Departure Ends | Halt - | Distance 309 km | Day 1 |
Frequently Asked Questions
What time BVC GNC EXPRESS depart from BHAVNAGAR TRMUS Railway Station?
BVC GNC EXPRESS (19204) departs from BHAVNAGAR TRMUS Railway Station at 04:50.
How much time BVC GNC EXPRESS take to reach GANDHINAGAR CAP Railway Station?
BVC GNC EXPRESS reach on day 1 to GANDHINAGAR CAP Railway Station. The arrival time of BVC GNC EXPRESS at GANDHINAGAR CAP Railway Station is 11:10.
Distance covered by BVC GNC EXPRESS?
BVC GNC EXPRESS covers 309 km to reach GANDHINAGAR CAP Railway Station at average speed of 49 km/hr. BVC GNC EXPRESS passes through 9 stations.
Related train running from same Source
Related train running from same Destination
Name | Number | Source | Destination | Runs on |
GNC INDORE EXP | 19309 | Source GANDHINAGAR CAP | Destination INDORE JN BG | Runs on All Days |
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AII BDTS LINK SF | 20902 | Source GANDHINAGAR CAP | Destination MUMBAI CENTRAL | Runs on Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun |
GNC - ADI MEMU | 69132 | Source GANDHINAGAR CAP | Destination AHMEDABAD JN | Runs on All Days |
GNC BVC EXPRESS | 19203 | Source GANDHINAGAR CAP | Destination BHAVNAGAR TRMUS | Runs on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun |
PUNE - INDB DIWALI SPL | 09309 | Source GANDHINAGAR CAP | Destination INDORE JN BG | Runs on All Days |
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